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Mira's Blog

It is surprising how rewarding baking is.

During this lockdown, my husband and I started baking sourdough bread.
It is surprising how rewarding baking is. Eating a product confectioned by yourself from to A to Z is so thrilling ☺️
The best part is: you cherry pick the ingredients that you like and make your own mix

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Some behaviors encouraged by the diet culture

Some behaviors encouraged by the diet culture – like counting calories, weighing yourself everyday, following strict rules, overcompensating – are pushing us towards an unhealthy relationship with food and disordered eating.
We try to follow external rules rather than focus on our internal needs by trusting our bodies.
During these stressful times, we should definitely not pressure ourselves. We must shift our focus on feeling better, listening to our needs and fulfilling these needs.
Please be grateful and be kind to yourself.

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The holiday season can be really challenging for people recovering from an eating disorder.

The holiday season can be really challenging for people recovering from an eating disorder.
Here are some tips to help you get through this time of year:
– Practice self-care: take time for yourself to relax, unwind and reduce stress and anxiety.
– Have a plan for how to approach holiday meals: your support team can guide you. It will help you cope with your anxiety and what to do should a family member become judgmental
– Set healthy boundaries: during this period, there will be a lot of diet talks or diet plans. Remember it is okay to say to events, to leave a conversation or unfollow social media accounts that promote diets and quick fixes.
– Shift your focus: start and end your day with gratitude: write 3 things you are most grateful for
– Don’t skip meals: Skipping lunch to be able to enjoy dinner or vice versa is not a good idea. It will make you eat more and crave high-calorie foods. Therefore, eat regularly and try to stick to your structured eating schedule
– Be gentle with yourself: try talking to yourself the way that you would a loved one or small child who was struggling. Remember that you are not alone and you are not a failure.
– Sleep well: 7-8 hours a night
#eatingdisorder #eatingdisorderawareness #eatingdisorderrecovery #christmas #holidayseason #holidays #antidiet #gratitude #grateful #nutritionaltherapy #dietitian #beirut #dietitianinbeirut #miratueny #thehealthquarters #lebanon #beatingeatingdisorders

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Your relationship with food is crucial for a healthy life.

Your relationship with food is crucial for a healthy life. Focusing too much on food choices is unhealthy and will affect your mental and physical health. I will share some signs that indicates you might have a complicated relationship with food:
– You live according to strict rules. If you break one of them, you beat yourself up
– Food is your best friend and your worst enemy
– You categorize foods as “bad” / “good” or “right” / “wrong”
– You feel guilty after eating a “bad” food and feel the need to compensate with behaviors such as over exercising, fasting, detoxing or a new diet.
– There are many ingredients that you avoid eating so you always make sure to read labels thoroughly and count calories
– You don’t trust yourself around food: you feel powerless around the foods that you crave “if I have a bite, I will end up eating the whole cake”. So you end up craving it even more and this can lead to binges later.
– You let the scale dictate your mood
– You can’t remember the last time you weren’t on a specific diet and ate what you felt like eating without second guessing yourself
– You can’t seem to find a balance
Your body is designed to handle food, you have to trust it. So focus on healing your relationship with food. I am there to help if you need support 🙂

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Homemade granolas!

Homemade granolas! It was my first trial and I loved it! It’s easy to do, it takes only 10 minutes to prepare. The best part is, you only use ingredients you like 😋!
I decided to mix: oats, almonds, flaxseeds, sunflower seeds, chia seeds, honey, cinnamon, vanilla & a pinch of salt.
I unfortunately slightly overcooked the mix🙁, so I would recommend baking for exactly 18min at 180 degrees.

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Olive picking in the Lebanese mountain.

I am thankful for days like these for letting us realise the beauty of our country and nature.
It was a tiring day, a full body workout 😉 and now I really appreciate all the work behind having olive and olive oil on my table

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85% of women diagnosed with breast cancer have no family history.
A healthy and balanced lifestyle is crucial to prevent breast cancer among other diseases.
Please remember that mental health is pivotal in the prevention of diseases. I know that we are living very stressful times but we really need to try and cope with our insecurities & instability around us.
If you need any support, I am there to help 🙂

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[Mental Health Support]
Stay tuned for an Instagram live on @abclebanon with Mira Tueny and Dr Chady Ibrahim from @thehealthquarters who will be talking about “How to deal with trauma in children and adults”
They will be discussing how trauma affects children and adults and also provide tips to deal with them
Stay tuned
Monday, August 24

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There is almost always a reason behind overeating.

There is almost always a reason behind overeating.
« I am not strong enough » & « I don’t have willpower » aren’t one of those.

The root causes I see the most in my clinic include:
– Trying to numb stress and anxiety through food
– Restricting food or food groups which leads to cravings
– Not being mindful & mentally present during meals
– Not sleeping well
– Not drinking enough water
– Skipping meals
– Eating quickly

So, please, before trying to follow a restrictive diet to avoid overeating & gaining weight, take a look at your eating habits, overall lifestyle, feelings and emotions.

I will be more than happy to help if you need me too.

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